morning star - significado y definición. Qué es morning star
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Qué (quién) es morning star - definición

Morning star; Morning Stars; Morningstar; Morning Star (album); The Morning Star (19th century newspaper); Stella Veneris; Morning-star; Morning Star (disambiguation); The Morning star; Morning Star Newspaper; Morning Star (newspaper); The Morning Star; Morning star (disambiguation); Morning Star newspaper (disambiguation); Lucero del alba; Morning Star newspaper; Morning Star (novel); Morning Star (newspaper) (disambiguation); Morning Star (song); The Morning Star (newspaper)

morning star         
The morning star is the planet Venus, which can be seen shining in the sky just after the sun rises.
N-SING: the N
morning star         
Lucifer, Phosphorus, Phosphor, Venus.
morning star         
¦ noun (the morning star) the planet Venus when visible in the east before sunrise.


Morning Star

Morning Star, morning star, or Morningstar may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para morning star
1. called Morning Star Tomato, which
The Moral Molecule _ Paul Zak _ Talks at Google
2. It also means "the morning star," in some scripture.
3. So that's something that's going on at Morning Star.
Brave New Work _ Aaron Dignan _ Talks at Google
4. Or Morning Star tomatoes, which is an American tomato
Brave New Work _ Aaron Dignan _ Talks at Google
5. Works for Morning Star, won't work for us.
Brave New Work _ Aaron Dignan _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de morning star
1. Among the churches damaged was Morning Star Baptist in Boligee.
2. They attend Morning Star Baptist Church, "which has embraced us," Pamela says.
3. It is the first time Europeans have attempted to place a probe on the Morning Star, as astronomers know Venus.
4. Morning Star Baptist was burned down to its foundation Tuesday, leaving only the front steps and handrail still standing.
5. The red Morning Star was for a ‘No’ vote and so, I think, was the Daily Express, but the only intellectually distinguished nay–sayer was this magazine.